Sunday, June 14, 2015

Radiation Done!

I finished up my radiation treatments on May 4th.  When the sound of the radiation machine went silent, I had tears rolling down my face.  Radiation is DONE!  Could I have really just finished 36 treatments, coming everyday for 7 weeks (+ 1 day)?  Granted they did say my skin and fatigue would peak a week or two after, I was completely finished.  But Dr. Weyers and the nurses kept telling me that my skin held up really well.  Looking and feeling the effects, it was hard to believe them, but thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could've been.
April 20th (26 treatments in)
April 24th (30 treatments in)
Starting to peel.  The armpit was the worst part.
May 6th
May 14th

Even the backside of my left shoulder got burned.  They say the radiation has to exit somewhere which is what causes that to happen.

My skin is now all healed up, and for the most part I don't think people will notice all that much.  It looks tan on the left side, but better than RED.

Thank you to everyone that came out and helped me celebrate my birthday and the Parkwalk.  It was truly a blessing to have so many family and friends out supporting me.  It will be one of the positive things I will hold onto from this journey I've been on.

Herceptin Treatment #7 of 12 on April 29th
I still go in every 3 weeks for my Herceptin treatments.  I also have follow-ups with both my
surgeon Dr. Bartos, and plastic surgeon Dr. Sonderman.  I will see them all again in a couple of months to make sure that everything is still going in the right direction.  I have started back at physical therapy, and I'm hoping to get full range again soon in my left arm.  My chording got a little tight during radiation, but I'm just hoping that it gets better so my left side doesn't feel so tight.

Herceptin Treatment #8 of 12 on May 20th
My fatigue level is slowly starting to climb back up.  I've actually been able to take the kids on bike rides, run a couple of times, and play a few more innings of kickball.  My children keep me moving!

My hair is getting longer, and longer, and also curly.  I had a nice afro the other day.  My hair is super easy to do right now, and might I say that I'm rockin the headbands:)

I have been taking the Tamoxifen pill which they want me on for 10 years, but it has a long list of side affects.  I think my worst ones are my headaches and the heavy cycles.  They did do an MRI on my head right away which gave me a little extra anxiety, but it all came back clear.  I've been meeting with Doctors to see what options I have.
Herceptin Treatment #9 of 12 on June 10th
 Anytime I have a little ache or pain my mind immediately wonders if my cancer is back.  I think this fear is something that I will have to live with forever.  But I do need to remember that I am living, and to enjoy the time I have with my family and friends!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  - Jeremiah 29:11.

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