Wednesday, October 1, 2014

No Treatment - too low white blood counts

9/30/2014 NO TREATMENT - too low white blood counts :(

So I didn't expect to receive this phone call on Monday night, but it finally did happen to me.  My NEUTROPHILS (part of my White Blood Counts) were too low for treatment.  In fact, they went from 1.71 to 0.53.  They are supposed to be at least at 1.0 for treatment otherwise my immune system will have a difficult time fighting off any germs/infections that may come my way if they proceeded with chemo.  

So now the question becomes, what does that exactly mean for my course of treatments?  Basically, everything will get pushed back with Taxol.  I still will be getting my 12 rounds, but now the last round gets pushed into December:(  So not exactly sure what that means for surgery then either.  I'm guessing it still may happen in December, depending on if I miss anymore treatments.  I also asked why they just don't give me the Neulasta shot after my treatments like they did with the AC to help boost the white blood cells.  They did say if my counts don't bounce back there is a different shot called Neupogen that I can get that would help boost the counts.

They did give me Herceptin, nonetheless.  This is that targeted treatment to combat my HER2 status that I will get every 3 weeks after chemo is over.  Again, Herceptin is not considered to be chemotherapy, but I will get infused with this drug until August of 2015. There are limited to no side effects with Herceptin, thankfully.  

My friend Kelly came down still and took me to the clinic.  We picked up Subway, shocking I know, same sandwich for me every time:)  I was awake the whole time for this one, so it was so nice to catch up and be able to talk with Kelly.  Thanks so much for taking me!

So right now I feel great!  Bummed out that I couldn't get treatment, but there isn't much I can do about it.  Just hoping that my counts bounce back up for next week.

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