Monday, October 27, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 6 of 12

October 21, 2014 Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 6 of 12

Yeah!  I made it to my halfway point of my taxol treatment.  Its hard to believe that 4 months have gone by already.  I had a little rough week emotionally, but have made it through.  My friend Jessie Micke came down to take me to my treatment.  It was really great to catch up with her.  The treatment went well, my legs felt a little bit more weak this time around.  It was extremely nice that Jessie stayed and helped get the kids supper, homework, baths, and ready for bed.  Thank you so much for your help!

On Thursday, Andy and I met with my surgeon Dr. Bartos.  He was also extremely pleased with the response my MRI had shown to the chemo treatment.  We are still planning on a double mastectomy towards the end of December.  Dr. Bartos explained a little bit about what to expect with the surgery itself, hospital stay, drain tubes, and the weeks after surgery.   I have a meeting with the plastic surgeon this week.

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