Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Race for the Cure

9/21/2014 Susan G. Komen Race - Racing for the 1 in 8

What a wonderful day this was for me.  At first I wasn't sure about doing a 5K and if I would even be able to finish the race/walk.  I had know idea how the treatments would be going and if I'd be up for walking.  As the day got closer, and I could see all the support I was getting it was well worth every step.  I loved the head bands "Sheila's Squad", the shirts, and buttons.  I felt like I had an extra little bounce in my step this day.  The music was fun, and there were just so many people.

After the race we came back to our house for a potluck.  It was probably one of the first parties we had that I didn't feel like I was running around like crazy.  Grandma Getter and some other people were instead:)

Back at the house we thanked everyone for coming and I tried to share some of the emotional feelings that I've been having through this journey.  Some of the hardest things is to put my trust in God.  There are days when I question why he would give me breast cancer.  What did I do to deserve this?  Will I make it through?  Will it come back?  How is this affecting my family?  I also talked about the many books that I've been reading, internet searching (although that I need to monitor and cut back on this).  I have one book that I read little passages every night that talks about God being by our side.  Giving me hope, and trusting that he has a plan for me.  I asked my family and friends to sing "In Christ Alone" with me which has been one of the songs that I continue to sing for hope and courage.

Again, thank you to everyone that was able to come and walk/run, join us at our house, or just thought of me on this day.

I tried making a video from the pictures I had from the day, but the one below might be blurry, so then I uploaded it to you tube and it seems to be a little better.  So here's the link for that

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