Saturday, September 27, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 3 of 12

9/23/2014 Chemo Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 3 of 12

It was so great to see so many of my friends and family on Sunday for the Susan G. Komen Race. (I'll blog about this later)  Although by the end of the night by legs were quite sore and even into Monday.

So I thought most of my blogs with my taxol/herceptin treatments were going to sound very similar.  Again to start my morning off, I dropped the boys off at school and then Clara went to Grandma & Grandpa's for the day.  I headed back home and got myself ready, picked up a couple of things and then my cousin Rhonda showed up to take me to my treatment.  We headed off to Subway and then to the clinic by 11:30.  They got us back in the room and started the saline.  This time they threw me off because they gave me the herceptin first which takes about 30 minutes.  I said, "Wait aren't you suppose to give me the steroid drugs,etc. first?"  They said those are needed for the taxol and this order will be just fine.  So Rhonda and I ate our subs, talked about the race day, how the party at the house went, and other things too.  After the herceptin drug came on the benadryl.  I like the fact that it makes me sleepy, but not the other side affect.  Rhonda put on Friends which my nurse Deb even watched a little with us too.  She is so funny!  I love her!  It didn't take long and I was out sleeping away.  Although I had some major leg twitching this time, and it stayed for most of the day into the night for me. Half of me was wondering if I pushed myself to hard with the Susan G. Komen Race, and then the other half was wondering what in the world did they give me.  Something new?  Deb thought it could be the combination of the benadryl and lorazapam that I took.  Who knows?  Eventually the time had passed and I was done with the taxol a little after 2.  I had to go to the bathroom so bad, so they helped me up but I ended up getting really dizzy.  Being to proud I didn't want them to get me a wheel chair.  I figured I could do it on my own, I'm a strong girl.  I sat in the chair in the hallway for only a little while, I really had to pee, so they helped me back up and I made it in time.  One of the nurses walked me back to my room and we stayed a little longer so I could get my barrings back.  At that point all I wanted to do was get home and lay down in my bed.  I think we left the clinic just before 3, in a wheel chair.  Good thing my cousin Rhonda is a prow with pushing one of those things:)

We got back to the house and I gave hugs and thanked Rhonda for taking me.  (THANK YOU!)  Off to bed I headed thinking this was a good idea.  Rhonda waited around until Andy got back from work.  I stayed in bed until after 5.  We ate a little supper and then Andy went to get the kids.  I had a little snuggle time with the kiddos before their bedtime.

Andy and I watched the movie "We're the Miller's", which was super funny.  I'd highly recommend watching it.  It was getting closer to 10 and so we were heading off to bed.  But of course I couldn't fall asleep.  My legs were still bothering me and my sleeping pill and lorazapam just didn't seem to work.  Actually felt like it had the opposite affect.  Finally I just got back up and went to the recliner so I wouldn't keep waking Andy up.  I think I finally fell asleep after 2 sometime.

The rest of the week went well.  I felt pretty good, didn't really need my nausea medication as much.  I had the kids on Thursday already, but definitely could've used a nap but I survived without one.  I even made it to the zoo on Friday:)  Overall, I'm doing good with this treatment so far!

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