Saturday, October 11, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 4 of 12

October 7, 2014 Treatment 4 of 12

I was very excited to have my dad come down and take me to my treatment this week.  I wanted him to meet all the great people that are working with me.  I also was glad that my counts were high enough for me to have my treatment.

So we headed to Subway to get my usual Spicy Italian and then to the clinic.  They hooked me up and started with all the pre-meds.  I spelled my last name and stated my birthday a zillion times.  While we waited for the pre-meds to get through my system Dad and I talked about a bunch of stuff.  We usually don't have that much time that the two of us just hang out together.  It was so nice!  Dad helped me fill out my Power of Attorney for Health Care and now have that on file.  We put on the movie Something about Mary, got as comfortable as we could, and then it was nap time.  The bet was out on who would be sleeping first, dad or me.  Well the verdict...Dad:)  He was snoring a little bit, but I wasn't to far behind.  Not sure if either of us watched much of the movie.
After treatment we headed back to the house around 3 and I took a pretty long nap, don't think I got up until around 5.  Andy brought the kids home and I took it easy.  Dad helped get supper ready for the kids, homework done, and get them ready for bed.  We watched a pretty stupid movie on TV that night.  I think I finally fell asleep close to midnight.  

Dad stayed over to help on Wednesday with Graysen and Clara.  It sure is hard to keep little ones quite, good thing I have a pair of ear plugs.  Not sure when I got up, but after breakfast we went for a long walk around the block.  It felt really good, but I was getting pretty tired towards the end.  I took an afternoon nap, but didn't wake up feeling to good.  I never really felt nauseous, just a little out of it.  I couldn't remember when I took my medicine even though I write it down.  I was questioning if I had actually took it or just wrote it down and still needed to take it.  It was a weird feeling not knowing.  Dad stayed and helped with supper again, and getting the kids ready for bed.  I was able to relax with him there helping Andy.  

The rest of the week I've felt a little bit more fatigue than I remembered with earlier rounds of the taxol/herceptin, but still manageable.  Friday I had another MRI done, but haven't heard any results from that yet.

I want to thank everyone who brought us food this week, prayed for us, sent kind thoughts, or helped out in whatever way.  It is amazing how much love a person can feel; which when your faced with a battle like this, I need it!

Now for my Dad.  The love and strength that you have given me is more than you know.  I look at my own children and the love that I feel for them is indescribable.  I would give anything for them to not have to feel pain.  I know that you feel the same for me.  It probably was hard coming along and watching me get the chemo drugs knowing that you can't take that pain away from me.  I just need you to keep on holding my hand.  You have raised a strong woman and I will fight through this!  

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