Friday, October 17, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 5 of 12

10/14/2014 Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 5 of 12

So some exciting news as this weeks treatment came around was that the chemo is working!  The Doctor was very pleased when we seen him which was great.  My toe is a little bit sore and they actually just put me on an anti fungal antibiotic for that, plus still continuing on my other one.  Sometimes its hard to keep all the medication straight, what I'm supposed to take, when, etc.

My Godmother Jean came down to take me to my treatment and stayed for a couple of days.  The treatment itself went good, and the days following too.  I'm not really sick to my stomach with this chemo cocktail, but feel pretty fatigue.  It was extremely nice to have an extra set of hands helping with food, cleaning, laundry, and the kids.  THANK YOU JEAN!

I also want to share that my hair is growing back!  Did you hear that!  It's growing:)  You can see it just a little bit.  Last week I kept asking Andy if he thought it was coming in, and of course he said "Well sure, maybe".  Even though I don't think he believed me.  But this week you can see it for sure!  Clara might have me beat, but I'm going to catch up to her:)

Lastly, I want to thank everyone that still thinks about me and what our family is going through.  It amazes me that I still get cards in the mail, emails, and text messages checking on how I am doing.  Thank you!  

Healing Quilt made by April Heindl

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