Sunday, September 14, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 1 of 12

9/9/2014 Chemo Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 1 of 12

So Tuesday I had the start of my new treatment, Taxol and Herceptin.  They ask a lot of the same questions and I had to spell my last name and state my date of birth quite a few times.  They started me off with the saline, steriod drug, and benadryl.  These all take a combined hour about.  Larry the counselor was there talking with us for the first while which made the time go really fast.  After the first hour had passed they started the Herceptin drug which took 90 minutes, then the Taxol for 30 minutes.  They did give me a Lorazapam during the treatment like with the AC just as a precaution.  They said if it worked last time lets keep doing it.  So it did make me sleepy, but also helped with the nausea.

When we got home from the clinic I went to sleep right away.  I was tired and felt a little out of it.  Andy and the kids eventually came home from school and I got up to be with them.  I didn't feel to bad.  My mom was down and helped get supper on the table and I actually ate food instead of just having chicken broth.  So right there is already an improvement with the new treatment.

This whole week has been much better than after the "Red Devil".  I have had more energy and a better appetite.  I've actually stopped taking the nausea meds on Friday already and have just been using my sleeping pills at night.  That's usually when my mind starts to wonder on me and then I stay up thinking about stuff.

My mom was down for a couple of the days to help with me and the kids.  It was wonderful to have her.  I cried when she left knowing that I would now need to be strong enough to take back over some of the house duties.  And its something about having your mom around when your sick that is so much more comforting.  She reminded me that I was a strong woman and that I will get through this journey.  I love you mom!  Thank you for believing in me!

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