Sunday, January 4, 2015

Night before Surgery

First off, I didn't post anything about my Herceptin treatment on December 23.  This was much different than all the others, because there wasn't any pre-meds that I needed to have.  Aunt Sue came with me, but we didn't bring subs along since we had to be there at 10 AM.  The longest part was just waiting on my blood work to come back and then the pharmacy to release the drugs.  The Herceptin treatment only takes about 30 minutes and I'm awake the whole time.  I don't think I had any side affects from the treatment.  With the holiday's it was hard to tell if I was a little sick to my stomach from everything that has been getting passed around or if it was my treatment.
Thank you for keeping me company Aunt Sue!

Now over the past couple of days I've been thinking more and more about my surgery.  With it being tomorrow morning at 9, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous, scared, anxious and so much more.  I feel like I'm pretty set with help for the first while, and the kids will be at Grandma's and Andy's sisters for the week.  This way, I can concentrate on getting myself better.  Thank you to everyone that has sent me text messages, cards, prayers, and love my way.  I had some great talks with my mentors, and feel they have prepared me well for what is about to come my way.  I'm hoping it will be better than what I'm envisioning.

I'm going to end with a prayer, this way God will hear it a zillion times as everyone else reads this:)

Please God be by my side tomorrow morning.  Help ease the anxiety that I have.  Please be with Andy in the waiting room tomorrow and let him feel your love for us.  Guide the hands and hearts of Dr. Bartos and Dr. Sonderman as they work on taking out what's left of the cancer.  Please let me feel your presence and help give me peace.  Stay by my side as I come out of surgery and have the challenges of new days ahead of me.  Give me the strength to heal, and the courage to stay strong and positive.  Help my children understand what I am going through, and that I love each one of them to pieces.  Amen.


  1. Oh Sweetie, you brought me to tears again. I will be praying for you all so much tomorrow and in the days to come. All my love to you!!! Aunt Jena

  2. What a wonderful prayer and I also had the rolling tears !
    Stay strong and Positive just like your plans and We know that He will take care of you Sheila and also your Family !
    Our Prayers and Love are with you thru these next days and weeks. Aunt Jean XO

  3. You always bring me to tears reading your posts Sheila. I've been thinking about you and praying for a smooth surgery. Here's to a great cancer free 2015! Jodi
