Saturday, November 8, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 8 of 12

November 4, 2014 Taxol/Herceptin 8 of 12

Treatment went really well this week.  Thank you to Kelly for driving down and spending the day with me.  It was nice to spend some extra time together and catch up on our busy lives.
Excited to say that my hair is definitely growing:)  I'd like to say it's my special shampoo and conditioner that I got, but who really knows.  Just as long as it keeps working!  I'm also excited that my eyebrows and eyelashes are also starting to grow back too.  It seemed like all of a sudden they were gone. I couldn't believe it.

I was a little sad this week and had some extra tears after finding out my new friend Chris had passed away last Sunday.  I had met her at some of the breast cancer events that Richy's had in Big Bend.  We both were on the same chemo regimen, but she had already had her surgery.  I've been very confident that I was going to make it through this battle and come out on the other side.  So many people have and why shouldn't I believe I will too.  Then this through me back a couple steps, realizing that things can change just like that.  I will keep fighting, praying, and hoping that I will be a survivor, and that I will be around to see my kids grow up, and grow old with my hubby.  I just need to keep believing that God will lead me.

I did have a little scare this week.  On Friday night after going out to eat with family I started to feel a little bit tired, weak, and was having some chest pain.  So I sat down in a chair and tried taking some deep breaths to calm myself down.  But then I tried talking and I couldn't get words to come out.  I was mumbling.  I felt like I knew what I wanted to say to Andy but couldn't.  Like idiots we didn't call the doctor or go in to the ER.  I laid down on the couch and after a few minutes I got my speech back.  I felt like it was forever, but Andy thought it was only for about 5 minutes.  Saturday morning I called the doctor and they wanted me to go into the ER to get checked out since I was still having mild chest pain.  They ran an EKG, blood work, and chest x-ray.  Everything came back just fine.  So after 5 hours of being at the ER they sent us on our way, with still really no answers for the pain  (maybe I could have strained a muscle picking up the kids, but really don't know).  I'm hoping that it will just get better and the speech problem won't happen again! 

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