Sunday, November 30, 2014

Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 11 of 12

11/25/2014 Treatment Taxol/Herceptin 11 of 12

This weeks treatment went really well.  My mom came down and spent most of the week with us, which made things much easier.  I'm sure she loved the Meinecke Thanksgiving, nice and loud:)  And we even were able to get out shopping on black Friday, or is it now black Thursday?
As the week of Thanksgiving came upon me, there are many things that I have to be thankful for.  First off a big thank you to everyone that has been praying!  They say big things can happen with prayer, and I'm hoping that God is hearing all of us.  Special thank you goes out to my Aunt PK and Uncle Stan who have been making sure that my house is getting cleaned for me each month.  Thanks to everyone that has brought us a meal.  It's been really awesome not having to worry about those things and using my energy with the kids instead.  Thank you to everyone that has given me support and love.  I'm truly blessed to have such awesome friends and family in my life.

For my mom who has been so amazing through all of this.  You are so willing to come down and help anytime that I have needed you.  Thank you for the many hours we've spent talking on the phone, crying, and telling me things are going to be OK.  You have been so strong for me and have helped keep me focused on the things that are important in life.  I pray that I will have many years with my children and be able to give them the same love and support you have shown me.

For my hubby.  You have been my rock for the past 5 months.  Thanks for taking on more of the rolls at home with the kids, getting up with Clara each night so I can sleep, laundry, homework, and so much more.  Thank you for listening, and letting me tell you how scared I've been.  Most importantly thank you for holding me through the rough nights, and letting me cry in your arms.    I love you to the moon and back!

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