Saturday, February 21, 2015

Implant Exchange and Fat Grafting Surgery

2/19/2015 I had by implant exchange and fat grafting surgery.  We got to the hospital around 11:15 and were scheduled to start surgery at 12:50.  Well, after getting all the initial things hooked up, medical questions answered, and fitted for leg stockings, we just were waiting on Dr. Sonderman.  He was running about 30 minutes behind.  When he got there he marked me all up for the breast implant part and the lipo.  Here was a little of our conversation

"What areas were we all going to do again with the lipo?"  
"Well, let's take a look."  So he marked my lower back, inner and outer thighs.  
 "Do you take out as much as you can or only what is needed." 
 He of course laughed and said, "Well I'm not going to do one side and not the other."
  So I said, "You'll make me look good then right."  We laughed.

The surgery lasted about 3 hours.  Dr. Sonderman came out and told Andy everything went really well.  I actually remember waking up in the recovery room before they took me back to meet with Andy around 5:30.  I was out of it quite a bit.  I tried making it to the bathroom, but had the bucket in front of me again.  Once they got me back to the room they gave me some more neausea medication which eventually did help.  We finally left the hospital around 9 pm.  

Right now I will say that the lipo part hurts worse than the actually breast implants.  I think I feel a little relieved in the breast area, because I don't have the rock hard tissue expanders anymore.  I have some major bruises on my back and thigh areas.  Surprisingly I know it hurts, but I can move at least more than I thought I'd be able to.  Getting in and out of the chair is hard, especially the first initial sit down.  I look like a mummy from breast to toe with all the extra stockings and wraps.  This is to try and help with the blood flow.

The kids have been staying at Grandma and Grandpa's so it's just been Andy and I at home.  Nice to have the peace and quite, and time just to rest.  I have another big week with Doctor appointments.  I have my Eco test, to see how my hearts doing, Herceptin treatment on Wednesday, meet with Dr. Sonderman, and also start back with physical therapy.  Hoping each day I keep getting stronger and stronger.

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers that have been sent our way.  
It really does make a difference!


  1. Actually, I'm feeling pretty good. Just the bruising hurts from the lipo, but each day gets better and better.

  2. Mrs. Meinecke, we would like to personally invite you to our Eighth Grade Recognition night! This event will be held on Wednesday June 8th, at 6:00 pm
    Your Algebra kids
